Would you like to enquire about booking a spa service or Treatment?

Please call us on (07) 5446 5229 or email your enquiry to: info@asantespa.com.au

If you have not heard from us with 24hrs please call us again on (07) 5446 5229.

OPEN: 9am - 5pm Monday to Saturday - We are Closed on SUNDAYS and Public Holidays

Please provide your contact details below

Are you using a Gift Voucher? If yes, we require the number to make your booking


Details of your enquiry:


Select all services required:

Asante Essential Journeys

Asante Amla Indulgences

Asante Essence Escapes

Asante Sole & Palm Journeys

Current specials



Medispa Facial Treatments

Body Grooming & Spray Tans

Lashes - Facial Waxing - Tinting
